Investment Opportunity

We are expanding our business from national to global and increasing our product lines this Year to semi formals and ready to wear under 3000/-.  Our aim is to do most of the operations in house.

We are Raising 1 Million Pkr  and will also increase our infrastructure with this investment.

How our investor going to earn?

We have a simple formula that whatever fabric we buy in a month, We will pay our vendor's in cash and add a 10% to it. Which will be paid to the investor at the start of next month.

Is the Profit return amount fixed every month ?

No the profit is not fixed. It will vary from month to month. We will first sale previous fabric and than place a new order. So example. If we have purchased a fabric for 0.5 million in a month than the profit will be 50,000/-  than in next month if we purchase for 0.7 million than the profit will be 70000/- so it completely varies according to demand.

Contract duration:-

Minimum contract duration:

1 Year ( May to May)

Will 100% amount will be used in purchases?

No we will use 50% amount in purchases and other 50% in operations like stitching, marketing, shoots ( to make the fabric ready to sale)


Is it Transparent?

Yes its completely transparent process. All the transactions will be made online.

Is it long term investment?

It can be a long term investment if both parties agree.

For more details contact here at 03324193420